
Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Welcome to Physics!

Welcome to your first physics class!

Course Materials

Today I gave you an idea of what to expect in this class.  Here are the handouts for general course information.  The "paper work":

Then we have this handout with more details about what to expect for the first unit:

What is Physics

Then we took a step back to look at the bigger picture.  What is physics?  Who does physics?  Why do we do physics?

Finally, we talked about some expectations of what would make this an ideal class for everyone.  Here are the notes we came up with:

What to you is an ideal class?

These are the answers that WE came up with together as a class (both morning and afternoon class), so I hope we can all work together to make this an ideal class for everyone.

What does and ideal class look like?
  • everybody works well together.
  • raising hands for questions.
  • eyes on the teacher, paying attention.
  • should look interesting, lots of visuals.
What does it sound like?
  • encouraging and constructive feed back.
  • talking about the subject at appropriate times.
  • scientific vocabulary.
  • collaborations.
  • no ringing of phones.

What does it feel like?
  • comfortable learning environment.
  • feels safe.
  • welcoming
  • fun, exciting (demonstrations, games, activities)

I'm looking forward to a great semester with all of you!  If you have any questions or concerns with the course, feel free to send me an email or come talk to me.

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