
Monday, 8 September 2014

Sept. 8 – Vectors and Displacement

I handed out textbooks today!  This means you can now start doing the homework questions that are in the Unit Outline:

Then we started Unit 1.  If you have any questions about the previous homework or any of the review material, please let me know.


How things move.

Where is the dancer?  What do we need to know to describe her position?

How do we describe where things are located?

Ex: Where is Vancouver?
You need to know where you are starting from, a reference point.
If we use Toronto, we can say go WEST 3350 km.

Answer: Vancouver is 3350 km WEST of Toronto.

Ex: Halifax is 1260 km EAST of Toronto.

We need to describe the distance AND the direction to get a position.
This is an example of a VECTOR.

VECTOR = a quantity with a magnitude and direction

SCALAR = a quantity with magnitude

Here are some examples of vectors and scalars:

Distance, d
Speed, v
Mass, m  
Time, t
Volume, V
Energy, E
               Magnetic Field 

We can represent vectors with arrows:
Vancouver              Toronto    Halifax
magnitude is represented by the length of the arrow.

The first vector we will talk about is called displacement.

DISPLACEMENT: a change in position.

displacement  =  final position – initial position

Example: If I travel from Halifax to Vancouver, what is my displacement?

Think about how you answer this question and what you would write to show your work.

Today was a short class, so this is as far as we got.  Tomorrow we will continue!

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